
Personalized Wedding Invitations

Your wedding invitation is one of the most important elements in your wedding. The wedding invitation also sets the tone of your wedding to your entire prospective guest.

Your wedding invitation is one of the most important elements in your wedding. The wedding invitation also sets the tone of your wedding to your entire prospective guest. It only makes sense for you to be in full control of your wedding invitation and how you want it personalized. Below I have outline the basic steps to get you started as well as resources for you to visit that will help you in selecting the proper printing material.

Personalized Wedding Invitations

Personalized Wedding Invitations

Personalized Wedding Invitations

Personalized Wedding Invitations

Make sure that your black and color ink cartridge is at least 50% full before you start your printing. You may want to purchase an extra set of ink cartridges to ensure you will not run out in the middle of printing your invitations.
The basic parts to any wedding invitation include: mailing envelope, invitation, RSVP, return stamped envelope and directions to your wedding reception.
The design of your wedding invitation is the key element that sets the tone for your wedding. The paper texture, overlays and ribbons all contribute to the final appearance of your invitation and should be chosen to your specifications.
You can also add a photo to your invitation that may include a picture of the Bride and Groom or a picture of the location where your reception is going to be held. You can always browse the internet to get ideas if you can’t get creative. Just remember the design possibilities are unlimited.
The RSVP is usually kept simple but you can jazz it up anyway you like. Just remember the RSVP will be a lot smaller than your wedding invitation so you will be limited to the amount of space on it.
You can usually obtain directions to your wedding reception from your Catering Hall or wherever you decide to have your reception.
Visit the resources I have supplied and start exploring. You can also visit a Wedding Center in your area if you would like to shop locally for your invitation material. It may be more appealing to you if you can actually see and feel the texture of the paper before purchasing it.


Elegant Real Black & White Theme Wedding From Meg Baisden Photography

 Today i'm going to share a black and white theme wedding with you guys. The photos posted below are from Meg Baisden Photography. And they are just amazing! Black and white are An elegant color palette for classic weddings. Let's enjoy!


funny wedding invitation wording

Humorous wedding invitations relax even the most uptight person that can't stand the thought of putting on a suit and tie and stepping into a formal ceremony. Almost instantly, upon receiving your invitation, the recipient will appreciate your tongue-in-check approach to the big day. Humorous wedding invitations are a popular way to lighten up the sometimes stressful and serious moods associated with weddings and getting married. They are perfect for casual, somewhat informal, wedding ceremonies. People will appreciate knowing that the two of you are approaching this important day of eternal commitment with fun on the mind. Humorous wedding invitations come in a variety of forms. You can insert funny text or funny caricature artwork. Anything from funny illustrations of the groom carrying his bride, the bride pulling her panicked hesitant groom to the chapel, the newlyweds riding off on a motorcycle to the skiing bride and groom. Much to the horror of the red states, in an effort to be politically correct and also target a niche, there are groom & groom or bride & bride selections.

funny wedding invitation wording

wedding invitation wording

funny wedding invitation wording

funny wedding invitation
Humorous wedding invitations are often keepsakes for your wedding guests. Perhaps they will look back at your invitation to reminiscence about the night or just get some chuckles from the invitation itself. When wording your invitation it's important to not overlook important event details. People want to know the full names of the bride and grooms. Nobody likes to make out a wedding card only to discover that they wrote the names incorrectly. Regardless of the humorous tone to your invitation people still need to know the date, the time and location of the ceremony and reception. So, it's alright to be funny with humorous wedding invitations but don't forget that wedding invitations need to serve their function as well.


wedding invitation etiquette

If the couple opts to have a destination wedding that will only be a few close family and friends they may have a larger reception later. It is usually best to have the reception within 6 weeks of the wedding. Some couples will get their reception invitations made before the wedding. This allows them to plan the wedding and reception together. Having others handle everything while you are on your honeymoon can be a challenge so get as much done before hand as possible.
wedding invitation etiquette

wedding invitation etiquette

Sometimes it is announced that the couple have married and the cards are sent out after the wedding. Either way the proper way to ask your guests does change. The wording for inviting guests to a reception is usually "request the pleasure of your company" and not request the honour of". This is because the wedding has already taken place.


Wedding Invitation Kits

You found your soul mate and now you are on your way to planning your wedding day together. There is so much to get done and so much to plan for that sometimes it can all seem overwhelming. One of the most important decisions you will make when planning will be your wedding invitation. But it seems that most couples overlook one of the easiest and most affordable options to a wedding invitation - do it yourself wedding invitation kits.

In today's economy it can be a struggle to plan for such an important day. Sometimes a couple is forced to cut back and forgo some of the frills that they ordinarily would have included when planning. But with do it yourself wedding invitation kits, there is no need to cut back on quality or quantity.
Actually, there has never been a better time to create your own wedding invitations. That's right - create. With a wedding invitation kit you have the ability to create your own designs, calligraphy fonts, wording for a fraction of the cost of a traditional invitation but without the hassles of doing everything on your own.
Wedding invitation kits come in a wide variety of choices, from very formal (complete seal and send invitations to handmade, cotton papers) to very casual. There are beautiful printable sheets to rich, blend luxurious card stock. Depending on how much you do yourself and how much time you have, it is actually possible to create a beautiful, personalized invitation that looks like you paid a professional a pretty penny to create.

Some things to consider before you get started include determining the theme of your wedding. Remember, you want your invitation to reflect the theme of your wedding and with do it yourself wedding invitation kits you have more flexibility with creativity.

If your wedding is formal, then be sure your invitations reflect that theme. Engraved black, gold or silver text against a white or cream background. With a formal invitation there should be no graphics. Many times blotter tissue is often used for a touch of elegance and the wording should be on the right, inside fold of the invitation.

With a casual wedding, your creative juices can flow more freely. Since it less formal, just about anything goes. A handcrafted card on heavy, cream colored paper with a sheet of tissue paper is often times sufficient. For a more personalized touch, add a photograph or hand write each card individually depending on your skills with calligraphy.
Let your imagination take over - create an artful design, add a poem. Do it yourself wedding invitation kits are not only less expensive, but they allow your wedding to more accurately reflect your vision and your theme - the sky is the limit with creativity.

Keep in mind, that although the cost of doing it yourself is considerably cheaper, the quality of your invitation does not suffer. With wedding invitation kits, you can find everything you need in one kit for an amazing value. All you do is complete the design on your computer, run it through your printer (or, if you prefer, take them to a local printing shop like Kinko's and have them do the printing). Either way, your wallet will thank you but your guests will never know the difference. In fact, the end result will not only be just as beautiful and professional looking, but will reflect who you are as a couple better than any "off the rack" version will do.
Wedding invitation kits can be found at your local department stores, but the best options for finding deals without sacrificing value is on-line. Do a search for wedding invitation kits and start shopping. Your options are greater on line and many times so is the value. Plus you already have enough running around to do for your wedding day, so why not shop on line, make a selection and have it delivered right to your door without ever leaving your house.

Do it yourself wedding invitation kits can be a beautiful presentation and window into your magical day together. They are not only inexpensive, but with a little creativity and smart shopping your savings can be amazing. Saving money no longer means sacrificing value.
This is your special and magical day. Make it even more special by planning together and working together to create the ultimate invitation of your dreams.


Black Wedding Invitations Are Dramatic

Wedding invitation cards today can be anything from totally traditional to completely unconventional and anywhere in between. Many brides looking to break from traditional white and ecru wedding invitation cards are turning to the opposite end of the color spectrum. Deep, dark, dramatic shades of black can be the perfect backdrop or the perfect highlight for your wedding invitation cards. Just like the little black dress, black wedding invitation cards are a classic choice that will never go out of style. When it comes to wedding invitation cards, black is anything but basic.

Black Background Wedding invitation cards
black background wedding invitations
Probably the most dramatic way to incorporate black into wedding invitation cards is to put the striking shade in the background...literally! If you are looking for ways to add black for a dash of drama, you may want to consider choosing a black backing layer by selecting a cardstock slightly larger than your printed layer. This easy step will create a "frame" for your invitation cards and will really make them stand out in a unique way. For a truly fashionable fix, try a black printed layer. This means that your custom wording will be printed directly onto dramatic black cardstock. Choose a light or metallic ink and you'll be creating an elegant yet eye-popping canvas for the wording of your wedding invitation cards. It's the opposite of traditional black type on white cardstock and will be sure to make instant impact. From black licorice to ebony, from onyx to charcoal, in various weights and in different finishes, you'll be surprised at how many variations of black cardstock you can choose from for your wedding invitation cards.

Black Wedding invitation cards Accents
black wedding invitaitons
For a little extra drama, wedding invitation cards can be accented with bold black details. When it comes to wording, black type is a traditional yet striking option for your invitation cards printing. Pair a dramatic script with bold black for a stylish effect, or pair a simple font with classic black for understated appeal. A black grosgrain or black satin ribbon might be the perfect finishing touch for otherwise simple wedding invitation cards. Don't forget that feathers, rhinestones, and even flowers can make great black accents. If you choose to DIY, an easy step is to add an additional black backing layer to your invitation cards for a luxe feel and a design that will really pop. With or without black accents, an attention-grabbing option is to "wrap up" your wedding invitation cards in an unexpected black envelope.

Color Combinations for Black Wedding invitation cards
black and white wedding invitations
The beautiful thing about black is that it not only complements but also makes most colors "pop" in a way that they don't when they stand on their own. A very popular color with many brides is the combination of black and pink. From bubble gum to hot pink to magenta, a black and pink pairing is girly, sophisticated, and glamorous all at the same time. Black and red wedding invitation cards create a very romantic effect. Try black with shades of blue or green for a striking yet soothing look, or consider black and white for a completely classic look. Black is the ideal partner for dramatic metallic shades like silver, gold, and bronze if you are going for a more elegant wedding theme. The truth of the matter is that with black, you really can't go wrong. Pretty much any color you pair it with will be guaranteed to stand out. Adding a dose of black to your wedding invitation cards will infuse a dose of drama and complement any colors you choose.


Will You Choose Black Wedding Dresses?

The modern bride is opting for offbeat colors like black and red over the traditional white wedding dresses. An increasing number of women are deciding to step outside the accepted norm and choose black for the special day. Even a few years ago, a bride could not think of wearing black wedding dresses as the color is associated with mourning. Wearing black on the wedding day was seen as a typically Goth thing to do. It was the Goth movement that started the new trend of wearing black on weddings.

black wedding dresses
The brides of today do not care what the society thinks of them. They want to exude their personal style and stand apart from the crowd by wearing black wedding dresses. Mostly a bride chooses black wedding dresses because of her love for the color. Some brides feel that they look their best only in the color black. Others choose black wedding dresses to match it with the season or theme of the wedding. If someone has a wedding before or after the Halloween, she can easily wear black wedding dresses and take the guests by storm.

The traditional color of wedding dresses, white, is being sidelined and other colors lie black and red are coming to the forefront. Traditionally white was used to symbolize the purity and innocence of the bride. However, the brides of today no longer feel that their purity and faithfulness can be symbolized by the color of their wedding dress. Now, the wedding dress is more about expressing the style of the bride and making her look beautiful than merely symbolizing values. Another reason why a bride chooses black wedding dresses is her desire to wear the dress again in future. Several brides are using their black wedding dresses as a cocktail dress or a dress for a formal evening event. When one is spending oodles of money on a dress, it should be made in a way that can be worn repeatedly.